Monday, April 2, 2007

Get Well Soon..

20th April,2007 - Arya met her for the first time in S2 Coach,Mangalore Express.The wheels were rolling,the whistle had just blown.He settled comfortably in seat no.72 with his broken arm.He always hated such long and boring journeys.His only companion seemed to be "One Night at a call centre" by Chetan Bhagat, the novel which was a gift from a good friend to help him kill time.
Just then there was a mild breeze swallowing the heat within the compartment,seems the wind was announcing her arrival.She made a swift entry with a heavy luggage.She heaved a sigh of relief,took 10 mins to settle herself.He admired her beautiful green eyes.He was attracted to her.Contrast to his little desire,she settled in a seat right on the opposite end.Still within the reach of his eyes.He forgot the novel in hand and was just starting and staring...
He dreamt [ like "Ali" in Dhoom ] '.. he and her,he...her and kid...he,her and kids'
"Ticket" the TTR had intruded like a villain,causing a temporary halt to his dreams.Ten minutes later the villain was gone without any hindrance to his view.
For an instant,he felt if she too was looking at him.May be an illusion in the confusion ! People started to stretch themselves and got into a sleep mode.Snores could be heard from nearby compartment sooner.Arya looked up and thanked almighty ...for his compartment was snorers-free !
The lights were on and surprisingly nobody was complaining.He continued admiring her beauty in the pretence of reading the novel.She made her bed and started blowing her air pillow.She felt conscious about his stare.She tried to sleep but couldn't just like him.
"Annalum nokinan,avalum nokinal " ... Smiles were exchanged.And they slowly fell asleep.
When Arya woke up his eyes fell on the vacant berth.She was gone.He felt like a lost child.His eyes were searching for her in the crowded platform.It was like somebody had pulled out the only string of hope from him."Why God? Why are you doing this to me" .. he kept on cursing and scolding on how foolish he had been.
With a heavy heart,he signalled a porter.He was sure his broken arm willnot support him to transport his luggages.He looked pathetically at his arm and just then he saw those words.He hopped and danced and screamed out.. like a mad man.
" Get Well Soon - Lady with an Air pillow M# 9987655321"
...and they lived happily everafter.Seems miracles do happen !


Muruganantham Raju said...

Endha miracle endha trainla nadathadu? :)))))
mmmmmmm Good starting. Will see your future posting - Muru

Shoba Sharat said...

Do try to put a word on all,will help me improvise!