Monday, June 18, 2012

A Mother's diary.. the WOW moments!

..I teach you to say 'Ma-Ma' and you look into my eyes and say 'Pa-Pa' slowly
..trimming your tiny nail in that little pinky
..feeding you a bowl without a morsel to trash
..seeing that diaper rash cream unused for so long stop crying the very instant you see your teddy reach out for Mamma after playing with Pappa pull Pappa's chain like he is your pet puppy lift your sipper and feed your diaper smile while you are dreaming pedal your invisible cycle in full speed paint your face with the baby powder take the biggest bite and spit it right out gape with mouth wide open seeing that bridge bite your gums with clenched fists when angry scream when the villain in that movie screamed are asleep holding mamma tight,chaining her with your legs take positions as if in a race..on the mark..get set and then sit are up in the air laughing with delight as Pappa tosses you high laugh and clap while watching your favourite video as if you understand create a big mess and smile innocently as if Mamma is to be blamed

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